Finding New Music

Hello one and all!

One of the greatest pleasures in life is finding a new song and then it ends up broadening your horizons. I'm stumble upon a lot of great music, and at the moment I'm listening to a lot stuff that I would never have thought of just ten years ago.

A big tool in my exploration has been Youtube. The more you use it, the sharper it can detect what music could interest you. I've discovered/rediscovered countless groups and musicians over the years through the recommendations that have been given to me. It's all about keeping an open mind and trying new things.

A second way is through friends and family. I know a couple of people that have an interesting taste in music and I generally listen to them when they speak. It is also a great way of getting to know people, because what they listen to can tell you a lot about them.

Strangely enough, I don't really stream or listen to stuff on the go. I wouldn't be able to walk around with music in my ear, because most likely I'd have some stupid expression on my face or I'll start singing. Can't have that, can we.

What has been added to my playlist lately? The songs below (check it out if you dare):

The Revivalists - It Was a Sin
Bipolar Sunshine - It Was a Dream
Lake Street Dive - I Can Change
Will Joseph Cook - Girls Like Me
Acid Ghost - Overthinking

Thanks so much for reading! 
